Yet again i found a glitch...
there was a glitch (cheat) in the last one, and there's a glitch in this one. Tom and synj really need to work on making it cheat proof. both of you make a very good team. Ok, here it is, I figured out that when you fall off of the bridge, its not a movie clip, which means, you can right click, and press play any time you want. Then you'll start falling to the ground, right click and press forward or back right before you hit the ground and you can see all of the guys, theres like 7 pinks and 1 green all in a row. (When you hit a regular guy, your score goes up by 10, when you hit the guys when your falling, it will go up by 10 first then 10 then 20,40,90,160,250,360 etc...) Anyways... I recomend you fix this glitch. later! BTW. I got about 700 sumthin without cheating, i got up to 13000 with it... But i recomennd getting your high score without out cheating, then you can waste you time and cheat or sumthin... =) k now im goin...